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Charlotte Goodwill, BSc (Hons), MITP AMWES
Operational Team / Chief Executive Officer

Charlotte is a dedicated and accomplished professional, currently serving as the Chief Executive of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals (ITP).

As the CEO of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals (ITP), Charlotte is dedicated to redefining the telecoms industry and creating a sustainable, diverse, and inclusive workforce for the future. Her leadership and vision have positioned the ITP as a driving force in shaping the industry's landscape.

With a strong focus on promoting diversity and inclusivity, Charlotte recognises the immense value that a diverse workforce brings to the telecoms industry. By championing equal opportunities and creating pathways for underrepresented groups, she is breaking down barriers and ensuring that everyone has a chance to thrive in the industry.

Under her leadership, the ITP has become a hub for innovation and collaboration. Charlotte understands that the future of the telecoms industry lies in embracing technological advancements and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Through apprenticeships, membership programmes, and career development initiatives, she is empowering individuals to unlock their full potential.

With her expertise, passion, and commitment to the industry, Charlotte continues to drive positive change within the sector, shaping a future that is both inclusive and digitally advanced.

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